GET /vendor/jobs/organizations/applications

This call returns a list of all applications for postings created by the current oAuth user organization.

Optional headers

Accept-Language Accepted values: en, de if omitted en will be applied

Optional parameters

from Timestamp in seconds. Applications from the given date
to Timestamp in seconds. Applications until the given date

Example request

curl -X GET ""\
-H "Accept-Language: en"                                        \
-d "oauth_token=$ACCESS_TOKEN"                                  \
-d "oauth_consumer_key=$CONSUMER_KEY"                           \
-d "oauth_signature_method=PLAINTEXT"                           \

Example response

    "id": 1,
              "my comment here"
        "id": "3_bb99c0",
        "external_id": "111"
        "display_name":"Max Mustermann",
        "wants":"einen neuen Job",
        "haves":"code ninja skills, viele tolle Skills",
        "top_haves":["code ninja"],
        "interests":"Flitzebogen schießen and so on",
        "organisation_member":"ACM, GI",
        "occupation_org": "New Work SE",
        "occupation_title": "Software Engineer",
        "badges": ["PREMIUM"],
          "street":"Privatstraße 1",
          "street":"Geschäftsstraße 1a",
              "name":"NEW WORK SE",
                    "localized_name":"Internet and online media"
                "name":"NEW WORK SE",
                      "localized_name":"Internet and online media"
                "name":"Ninja Ltd.",
                      "localized_name":"Medical services"
                "title":"Wiss. Mitarbeiter",
                      "localized_name":"Apparel and Fashion"
                "title":"TEST NINJA",
                      "localized_name":"Arts and Crafts"
                "name":"Awesome Dude Of The Year",
          "degree":"MSc CE/CS",
              "name":"Carl-von-Ossietzky Universtät Schellenburg",
              "degree":"MSc CE/CS",
                "name":"Carl-von-Ossietzky Universtät Schellenburg",
                "degree":"MSc CE/CS",
              "PADI AOWD"
          "preview_content":"Max Mustermann\nMuster AG\nMusterstraße 123\n22992 Musterdorf"
        "premium_services": []